Key Features: 1. Pension Contribution Submission 2. Bulk Timesheet Import 3. Invoice Method – Consolidate Items 4. Handling Email Failures for Mandatory Operations 5. Login Page Banner 6. View Pay Advice from Contractor Record 7. Contractor and Agency Portal – Show/Hide Sections 8. Pension Options
Key Features: 1. Pension Contribution Submission 2. Bulk Timesheet Import 3. Invoice Method – Consolidate Items 4. Handling Email Failures for Mandatory Operations 5. Login Page Banner 6. View Pay Advice from Contractor Record 7. Contractor and Agency Portal – Show/Hide Sections 8. Pension Options
Computer software, whether accessed locally from our computers or instead hosted and run in the cloud, is designed to make completing everyday tasks easier. One of these important tasks is the administration of employee payroll data, especially where a large number of employees are involved. If you’re not currently using…
Computer software, whether accessed locally from our computers or instead hosted and run in the cloud, is designed to make completing everyday tasks easier. One of these important tasks is the administration of employee payroll data, especially where a large number of employees are involved. If you’re not currently making…
The Pension Regulator has a system in place to deal with employers that do not comply with the law when it comes to pensions. Although the majority of employers do set up and maintain workplace pensions for their staff, there are some who deny workers their legal rights and tell…