There are many reasons why summer can be a stressful time for payroll departments. Not only do bank holidays change your payment dates, and can make arrangements more complex, it’s peak time for people to take holidays, meaning you’ve got to work out entitlements and pay rates. This is when payroll software for bureaus can come in particularly handy. It makes it much easier to process payroll when there are complexities such as sorting out holidays. Here are some ways you can get your business ready for the summer months.

Be clear on holiday entitlements

Many payroll departments find that when the summer months are on the way, they end up with a deluge of queries about how many days people have to take, and how much of their holiday is remaining. Many people use bureau payroll software to answer these queries, or they might want to print the information on payslips, which can cut down on the number of questions. Also, contracts should be clear on holiday entitlements, so there’s no confusion down the line.

Come up with a fair holiday system

It’s important that staff know:

  • How to request holiday
  • Who needs to authorise their requests
  • How you make decisions on granting leave
  • How they can appeal decisions

In most companies, it’s pretty straightforward, and a first come, first served system often works for the popular summer months. However, if you have a lot of staff who are parents trying to juggle childcare, then things get more complex, and there can be disputes. Find the best way to decide who gets what holiday, as this will make payroll processing for bureaus easier, and cut down on disputes down the line.

Ensure holiday is paid accurately

Holiday pay is a right for most employees, and it’s important that it’s paid along with their wages, and that records are kept accurately. Using products such as accountancy payroll software is the best way to get accurate payroll results the first time round, so you aren’t stuck making adjustments. Overpayments can be a real nightmare when it comes to payroll, as you end up with irate employees and usually have to chase to get it back, so make sure you get it right first time.

Arranging cover and continuing service

Most people will need some sort of cover for their roles during their holidays, even if it’s just carrying out basic tasks, so it’s important to work as a team. Having automated processes set up as part of your payroll software can help your bureau cope when they have fewer staff than normal, and with modern software there’s a surprising amount of things you can do to make life easier.

For an easy way to manage holidays and much more, contact Primo Payroll today to find out about software that makes your life easier. Call the team on 0845 456 7181 to find out more about our products and how they can work for you.